30 May 2016

Mind map

Hello I do a mind map about Studying options after DBH because I see this topic very interested to chose to the next year. I put the link on here.

20 May 2016

The questionnaire

Hello! Hi do a questionnarie and I recived 11 responses and I´m going to write about the responses.

The most of persons are man and there is a one alien that is so strange. The mos type of music that they hear is rock, and the most of people hear music at afternoon and they prefer listen music at home. The people like a lot of groups but the most of them don`t have a favorite group or singer.

In this questionnaire also i asked about sports i¡and the most of people the 40% play football. There are a lot of favorites team´s but there are two fans of real sociedad. The 60% prefer to practice than see and the60% put that he best sport is the football.

The most of people like the Mediterranean clima

 if you wont to see the quesstionari click here

9 May 2016


Hello! I do this questionary of Music,Sports and travelling and please fill in this questioner.